In 3 steps to the roof stair

Roto Frank loft ladders, that means premium quality and reliability over many years. We pay special attention to the selection of wood. All framing and steps are manufactured from selected wood and stand up to heavy use. Thanks to the thermal insulation, the heat reliably stays in the room, which saves heating costs. The handrail provides a secure hold on every step. Roto Frank loft ladders are completely pre-assembled and are thus quickly and securely installed. We have individual ladder solutions for warm and cold roof situations as well as for passive houses.

Climatic-proof system means locking technology from the field of window construction. The Designo and Quadro loft ladders lock tightly and reliably to Deventer window seals and Roto window fittings - 100% tested.
- High energy efficiency
- Durable and sustainable
- WDL ensures airtight connection from the factory
Trio installation system without foam or adhesive. The loft ladder is inserted into the ceiling opening, and the WDL creates an airtight connection to the building structure. Simply insert the mounting screws into the pre-drilled holes and tighten them with a cordless powered screwdriver - done!
- Time savings and ease of installation
- Simple, secure and professional installation
- Product quality for cover and ladder
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Roto Kniestocktüren
Sie haben Dachschrägen und können den Kniestockbereich nur mit Einschränkungen nutzen? Mit unseren Kniestocktüren können Sie den ungenutzen Bereich als zusätzlichen Stauraum verwenden.
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Roto Flachdachausstiege
Bei Dachausstiegen kommt es vor allem auf die individuell abgestimmten Maße, die Funktionalität und die Zuverlässigkeit an - sie müssen Wind und Wetter standhalten.
Zum Flachdachausstiege Konfigurator